Friday, 12 May 2017

Preparing Livestock for Flooding: Part 2

Furthering your preparation plan, one should consider making a livestock supply kit.

In your kit you should include: 

  • Accurate, up-to-date records that are stored in a safe location
  • First Aid Supplies (ie. vet wrap, hibitane, wraps, etc.)
  • Emergency store of medication for livestock
  • Enough food and water to last for 1-2 weeks
  • Plastic trash cans with lids to store and transport water and feed
  • Portable livestock panels
  • Leads and ropes to ease handling of animals
  • Tools such as wire cutters and heavy gloves to help in preparing and recovering
  • Contact information of relevant individuals and agencies including your local veterinarian, the local extension office, and emergency personnel.

Preparing Livestock for Flooding: Part I

When making your safety or farm disaster plan for livestock with flood advisories, there are some questions that you should ask yourself: 

    How will you move livestock?
    Where can you secure enough trucks/trailers to move livestock in a timely fashion?
    Who will be available to help?
    Might they have their own livestock to move?
    If I am able to stay in my home, will I be able to get to the livestock location?
    Where can I take livestock that is safe from floodwaters?
    Is there appropriate shelter and fencing at the temporary site?
    Is there feed at the site or will I have to haul feed there?
    Do I need to move implements and feeding equipment?
    What about bedding material?
    Where will I access fuel for implements?
  3. CARE
    Is there feed at the site or will I have to haul feed there?
    How will I move feed?
    When should I move feed?
    How much feed will I need?
    Is there adequate water on the site?
    Are there adequate water fountains or tanks?
    If my usual source of commercial feed is unable to deliver feed, what alternative sources do I have?
    If I have to reduce feeding amounts to stretch the supply, how will I ration it out?

  4. On Site Care (if you cannot transport your livestock and you stay at home) 
    Are you safely able to feed and water your livestock?
    Are they able to access shelter and/or have adequate ventilation?
    Are you able to access your dairy animals for their milking schedules?
    If a commercial farm, can you keep your milk cool, clean and mostly fresh for the market?
    Are you able to easily access your emergency generators, and do they work?
    How long can your generator run, and can you keep it fueled up for awhile?
    In the event an animal needs to be euthanized, how will you deal with it?
    Is there anyone who can come to help or rescue if the work needs to get done?
    Have you considered whether you would re-establish the business you now have if it entirely disappeared to a natural disaster?
  5. On Site Care (If you have to leave and cannot transport livestock)
    Are you able to access your gates to leave them open, and through that gate are your animals able to access higher ground? Or conversely, do you have an area to drive your herd of animals through in time? 
Luckily, the team at Peace Region Evac Helpline can help with sourcing a lot of these options out. We have a list of people available for transport and boarding in emergency situations. If you're in need of anything, feel free to contact us on the Facebook Group (Peace Region Evac Helpline), comment here or send us a message at We can always find something or someone to help. 

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Emergency Livestock Haul/Board 2017

Here is an updated list of the Emergency Livestock Hauling and/or Boarding.
The Acronyms you’ll see here are:
  • BO (Board Only)
  • HO (Hauling Only)
  • HB (Hauling/Boarding).
  • HH (Helping Hand)

HB - Karin Carlson - 250-793-5094
BO - Michelle Birmingham-Chaffee - 250 719-1637
BO - Jaclyn Ewen - 250 963 8313 (Hauling can be arranged within distance)
BO - Bobbi-Shannon Finnebraaten - 780-766-2187
HB - Tyler and Jamie Giesbricht - 250.261.9482
HO - Carla Fuks  250 794-8154
HB - Jolene or Ardy MacKay - 250-793-4119 or 250-261-4481
HB - Luke Barrett - 250-219-5853
HB - Patricia Bumstead - (250)-719-1237
HB - Sherry Lafournie - 250-271-0063
HB - Ruth Hopkins - 250-789-6707 **No Cats, Woman Only**
HO - Theo Midema - 250-261-1683
HH - Joleen Fehr - (250) 261-0637
HH - Jodi Paul - 250-793-0150 **Hauling only if you have a trailer**
HO - Rachelle Thistle - 226-377-7434
HO - Olivia Guilbault - 250-401-8782